
Our therapists are experienced with treating a wide variety of emotional and behavioral issues.

Sheehan Psychotherapy Associates provides counseling for individuals (adult and children), couples and families.

In a safe, supportive, and caring environment. We offer a highly personalized approach based on the client’s particular needs to help them attain the personal growth they’re striving for. Success in counseling is heavily dependent on the strength and quality of the relationship between a client and their counselor. It’s important that you find someone who is qualified to address the particular concerns that are leading you to look for counseling in the first place. 


Helping children and teens identify and work through any challenges, alleviate symptoms of distress, and improve communication and problem-solving abilities so they can focus on being kids and enjoying their youth.

We work with people of all ages to face any obstacles and handle challenging situations or symptoms while developing tools and coping strategies in order to achieve personal growth and live a more fulfilling life.

Providing support and guidance for couples at every stage in their relationship, to work through any challenges and strengthen bonds while growing as individuals.

Helping families of all kinds to reduce conflict, address underlying issues, and improve communication while finding new ways to work together and connect with one another.


Some of our areas of specialization include:

Depression & Anxiety

Therapy for depression, anxiety, & other mood disorders as well as support for loss & self-harm issues

Behavioral Issues

Such as anger management problems or attention disorders

Stress Management

Whether it’s at home, at work, at school, or in general, learning to handle stress in a healthy way, including acute/post-traumatic stress


Addiction & Recovery

Whether you’re working to overcome substance abuse yourself or are affected by a family member/loved one struggling with substance abuse


Life Transitions

Coping with major changes such as breakups/divorce, loss, career changes, pregnancy, aging, retirement, or other situations


Difficult Relationships

Learning communication, conflict resolution, and other tools for issues between families, friends, coworkers, classmates, and others